

Social media manager

& content creator


Having worked in social media & content strategy for over 8 years across the hospitality, outdoors, and apparel industries, I have a holistic understanding of what hits home when it comes to social media content.

I love to meld my professional interests in marketing with my personal passion for photography, videography, food, and the outdoors. As a result, I have enjoyed leading social media for @tentree (previously) and @hellobc (current), leading brand content creation for @castandiron, working with numerous freelance clients such as @fedfedfed & @tygabites, and most recently, growing my personal TikTok account.

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In thE NUmBErs

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TikTok followers in 4 months

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short-form, vertical videos

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increase in social sales

After gaining executive buy-in to launch a consumer-facing TikTok account for Destination BC, I developed an optimized content strategy catered to the platform's best practices. This platform-first approach has led to a strong, consistent, and almost entirely organic growth rate.

In order to optimize Destination BC's processes around short-form video production, I designed and implemented a new streamlined production process involving various internal teams. As a result, we've been able to generate over 100 short-form videos customized to 3 distinct platforms.

During tentree's 2020 holiday selling season, I almost doubled social media sales year-over-year by rethinking their typical approach to selling. Instead of sharing standard product photography, I focused on sustainability storytelling paired with UGC-style imagery to drive meaningful interest.


Destination British Columbia

When I joined Destination BC (DBC) in early 2022, they had not yet experimented with creating and sharing short-form vertical video, even though the prominence and importance of this storytelling format was undeniable. The first major project I led at the organization was to acknowledge this shift in social media and content marketing through implementing new processes, a test & learn mindset, and creative guidelines within the social media team. To start, I self-produced videos using my own content shot on various adventures throughout the province to demonstrate the effectiveness of UGC-style video.

After proving the value of this format on Instagram Reels, I gained executive buy-in to launch a TikTok channel, making DBC the first provincial destination marketing organization in Canada to successfully join the channel. Subsequently, I started DBC's content creator program to acquire channel-first content while finding new and innovative ways to repurpose the polished b-roll the organization already has access to. As a result, DBC's TikTok content has the strongest organic engagement rate of all platforms.

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My time working at tentree saw me leading and implementing social media strategies with full-funnel goals for an audience of over 2.5 million, building the influencer program from the ground up, and leading a customer segmentation project to align the tentree brand with an updated target customer.

I had the pleasure of frequently collaborating with the content and creative teams to create social-specific assets, ideate on campaign concepts, and lead direction on various brand initiatives. In fact, I was part of the small team that created the viral Double Tap to Plant campaign (no, seriously... viral! It was once Instagram's 3rd most-liked post ever).

Cast & Iron

My passions for storytelling as well as content creation collided with the inception of @castandiron, an outdoor cooking and adventure influencer, whom I lead the content strategy for. Through strategically highlighting and capturing natural experiences in BC’s great outdoors, I have been a key player in growing the account to over 17,000 engaged followers organically, as well as generating numerous ongoing partnerships with outdoor brands like Fjallraven, Leatherman, and BC Outdoors Magazine. @castandiron has become a friendly resource for how to experience nature and cuisine in a unique way.

My experiences liaising with multiple external stakeholders, creating photo and video assets for professional uses, and driving strategic growth have given me new and important perspectives on effective social media presences.

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In the spirit of getting to know how the TikTok algorithm worked while making a case for Destination BC to join the platform, I decided to start putting more effort into my personal TikTok, creating attention-grabbing videos about the things that I love.

Whether it be a behind-the-scenes look at a @castandiron shoot, a roundup of my favourite Vancouver bites, a highlight reel of a weekend immersed in nature, or a vlog about my journey into road cycling, I have grown a highly-engaged TikTok audience of over 6,000. This "experiment" has turned into a creative outlet that not only fuels my personal interest in content creation, but my professional knowledge of social media as well.




Instagram: @lindsder

TikTok: @lindsdurr